Arbo a Finalist in 2021 Pipeline & Gas Journal Awards


Pipeline & Gas Journal Award

\Arbo is a software company with a vision to modernize energy commerce and help enable the energy evolution by digitally connecting wholesale energy markets and infrastructure. Massive infrastructure and business innovation is needed to enable the “net zero” evolution, but commercial practices connecting producers, transporters, marketers, and wholesale consumers haven’t been digitally enabled – modernized – to the extent or impact realized in other industries. The industry struggles to find efficient and economic paths between buyers and sellers who have been overserved information and underserved integration. FKA LawIQ, Arbo delivered business intel and analytics to market-leading infrastructure and trading houses supporting the shale gas pipeline buildout. The company launched its Liquids Commerce Platform (LCP) in April 2021 — developed with customer input to improve workflow, collaboration, and dealmaking across liquids value chains. This map-based, open-architecture SaaS platform is used up- and downstream to integrate sought-after regulatory, tariff, and market data to rapidly identify arbitrage opportunities, routes-to-market and counterparties, and to increase optionality on and access to midstream infrastructure. It is the only platform that includes all tariff data connected to dynamic routing and fully customizable netback algorithms. Delivering to customers like TC Energy, Williams, Goldman Sachs, EQT, Berkshire, and Nextera originates from its combination of data acquisition, software engineering, and industry expertise. 



Arbo uncovers commercial opportunities obscured by inaccessible and unstructured data hidden in massive, myriad regulatory filings, legal docs, market hubs and exchanges. The LCP mirrors the most intuitive consumer platforms to automate workflows and integrate these disparate data domains. It’s like Kayak for oil. Commercial uses include asset optimization, commodity marketing, arbitrage, project development, and flow assurance.


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