LawIQ Announces New Corporate Brand — Arbo


Washington, D.C., March 10, 2021 - LawIQ, Inc. a leading provider of energy data analytics technology, today unveils a new corporate identity — Arbo — and a new product and growth strategy focused on modernizing energy commerce and infrastructure by building digital workflow and collaboration solutions, so the next generation workforce — producing, transporting, and marketing energy — can do business better and faster to ensure energy is always available for everyone.

“The world’s most important industry has entered a historic evolution impacting everyone and requiring every kind of innovation,” said Chip Moldenhauer, founder and CEO. “Reliably connecting consumers to cleaner energy sources will require new infrastructure and more efficient commercial practices for buying, selling, and transporting physical energy. Our market leading customers are looking to us to develop solutions to help them capture opportunities created by the imminent industry transition.”


The new Arbo product for the crude oil and liquids industry integrates critical regulatory, market, and geospatial data in a map-based interface, so the marketer and trader ecosystem can identify arbitrage 
opportunities and counterparties, and increase their optionality when utilizing midstream infrastructure. “Our goal is to help the professionals integral to transactions spend less time chasing data and more time closing deals,” said Jim Hughey, VP of Product Strategy.

“Efficiency is paramount for every aspect of the energy industry. A barrel of oil trades hands up to five times before reaching a consumer. Each time, siloed business practices and tools waste time and money. Bringing digitally- driven collaboration and transparency to the entire process will help transform the industry.”

The Arbo customer base includes major midstream pipeline companies operating North America’s energy transportation infrastructure, as well as upstream producers and leading energy trading houses. Arbo’s entrepreneurial team of software engineers, data scientists, and industry experts continues to expand in Washington, DC and Denver, CO.

Arbo ( provides software technology and analytics to the energy marketing, transportation, and trading industries for decision analysis and business automation. The new Arbo liquids commerce platform is digitizing workflows that connect buyers and sellers of physical energy by providing dynamic pipeline routing algorithms that integrate all tariff data and facilitate fast accurate netback calculations that are fully customizable and shareable, so users can increase transaction velocity, identify counterparties and arbitrage opportunities, and reduce operational risks. Arbo gas asset analytics software structures millions of regulatory filings so infrastructure owners and operators can monitor, model, and forecast regulatory events to better manage risks and maximize returns. ArboIQ delivers custom analyses and actionable viewpoints to leading midstreamers, trading houses, and utilities. 

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