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Its primary products are liquids digital commerce and gas asset analytics cloud-based platforms. In addition, Arbo offers focused advisory services, API data access, and a variety of data products under the ArboIQ line of business.
Arbo can be interpreted as short for “arb open” or arbitrage opportunity — variations of the common reference, “open arb,” used in the industry to refer to the pursuit of arbitrage profits or cost savings by capitalizing on price differentials between commodity hubs.
But, the Arbo name was not selected for a literal or functional interpretation. When associated with product benefits and people, the name should evoke progress applying modern data technology to help a traditional industry transform its business practices.
Arbo also represents a commitment to innovate for the next generation workforce that we know takes pride in providing the energy that fuels lives and economies around the world.
Arbo envisions modernizing energy commerce and its business interconnections with infrastructure.
We pursue this vision by developing technology that drives more efficient workflow and business practices, builds a collaborative commerce ecosystem, and facilitates transactions between counterparties in the physical markets — all of which will lead to more marketplace access and transparency and better utilization of current and future infrastructure.
To develop a digital platform that automates and integrates energy marketing, so the next generation workforce can do business better and connect consumers to cleaner energy sources.
Liquids commerce platform
Oil producers, marketers, midstreamers, and traders use Arbo to research, analyze, share, and track the critical data needed to find the most economical routes-to-market and valuable open arbitrage opportunities.
This cloud and map-based software platform is Arbo’s newest product developed to improve the workflow, collaboration, and dealmaking for the crude oil and liquids products value chain. It is the only platform that includes all tariff data connected to dynamic routing and netback algorithms that are fully customizable and shareable.
With Arbo’s liquids commerce platform, customers can:
Automate time consuming tariff and transportation system research to accelerate identification of open arbitrage opportunities, route-to-market and marketing decisions, and transactions.
Integrate the unique map-based platform as a workflow hub for all critical data integration and analysis required for liquids marketing.
Collaborate by utilizing Arbo’s open architecture to customize the platform with proprietary data and securely share specific routes and rates with team members and counterparties.
Gas asset analytics software (GAAS) platform
Midstream commercial and regulatory teams use the GAAS platform as a system-of-record to forecast costs and schedules, benchmarks assets against competitors, and access financial, contract and rate data to support critical business strategy, regulatory and risk management decisions.
Energy traders and asset managers who make markets and invest in infrastructure or large commodity positions rely on Arbo to sharpen trading and risk models, interpret fundamentals impacting valuations and arbitrage opportunities.
The cloud-based platform transforms millions of unstructured regulatory, financial, and legal documents into structured easily queried analytics inside an intuitive interface for capturing, monitoring, modeling, and dynamically forecasting market moving events.
With Arbo’s GAAS platform, these customers can:
• Sharpen trading signals and valuations to exploit arbitrage opportunities.
• Implement a system-of-record and workflows for access and analyses of critical regulatory filings.
• Access unique contract and rate analytics to expand and improve competitive analysis and business development functions.
• Accurately forecast asset and project costs and schedule milestones to inform capital allocation and strategic decisions.
ArView insights
Energy business decision makers, government regulators, and investors subscribe to ArView Insights for unbiased, data-driven, and actionable points of view on regulatory, litigation, market, and policy issues impacting oil, gas, and renewables transportation and infrastructure.
ArView insights publishes articles weekly that help senior leaders visualize data, understand, spot opportunities and risks, and act on inter-connections between markets, governments, and critical energy infrastructure.
Energy industry and government enterprise customers engage ArboIQ to dive deeper into specialized data and obtain expert analysis to support decisions.
ArboIQ provides focused, single scope advisory services projects delivered by an interdisciplinary team in the practice areas of competitive benchmarking, data visualization and analysis, decision support modeling, and research and risk assessment.
We do not typically work for hourly rates or retainers.
Many Arbo analytics are driven by proprietary machine learning models and natural language processing techniques.
Some Arbo software platforms are “open architecture” and allow for input of proprietary data by customers or integration of data from other subscription sources.
Arbo is committed to the confidentiality of any proprietary data uploaded inside its products or obtained via services engagements. The terms and conditions of confidentiality and non disclosure are documented and mutually agreed upon in all service and product license agreements.
Our emails are ‘firstname’ You can also reach us at
In addition, for enterprise customers, we provide focused, single scope advisory services projects, and on-call access to our subject matter experts.
• providing unique data sets and analytics at scale in reliable, intuitive, cloud-based platforms.
• articulating actionable points-of-view on events and issues mission critical for customers.
• being the only source of critical transportation data in a map-based platform, purpose-built for oil and liquids marketing.
As a former naval officer biased for action and a son of entrepreneurs, it came naturally to Chip to start Arbo (FKA LawIQ) with the aspiration of using data technology to predict project outcomes.
Entering it its sixth successful year and proud to have over 50 blue chip customers and 20 talented employees, Arbo’s mission to modernize energy commerce and help make cleaner energy available to everyone.