New Arbo Platform Gains Traction as Major Market Players Adopt Software to Help Modernize Crude Oil & Liquids Commerce

The first map-based, open-architecture SaaS platform for integrating sought-after regulatory, tariff, and market data to rapidly identify arbitrage opportunities, counterparties, and optimal midstream infrastructure for flow assurance.

Open PDF Press Release

Washington, DC, October 10, 2021 - Arbo, a leading provider of energy data analytics technology, today released a new software platform purpose-built for oil and liquids products producers, marketers, midstreamers, and traders to research, analyze, track, and share the critical data needed to find the most economical routes-to-market and valuable open arbitrage opportunities.

This map-based software platform available as “freemium” now at was developed at the request of our customers to improve workflow, collaboration, and dealmaking for liquids products value chains. It is the only platform that includes all tariff data connected to dynamic routing and netback algorithms that are fully customizable and shareable.

“The world’s most important industry has entered a historic evolution impacting everyone and requiring every kind of innovation,” said Chip Moldenhauer, founder and CEO. “Reliably connecting consumers to energy sources will require better optimization of existing infrastructure combined with a digital transformation that enables more efficient commercial practices for buying, selling, and transporting physical energy.” 

This new product launch is core to Arbo’s growth strategy focused on building software that modernizes energy commerce, improves access to infrastructure, and helps the next generation energy workforce do business better and faster. “Our goal is to help the professionals integral to transactions spend less time chasing data and more time closing deals,” said Jim Hughey, VP of Product Strategy. 

“Efficiency is paramount for every aspect of the energy industry. A barrel of oil trades hands up to five times before reaching a consumer. Each time, siloed business practices and tools waste time and money. Digitally driven collaboration and transparency is needed to transform the industry.” 

The Arbo customer base includes major midstream pipeline companies operating North America’s energy transportation infrastructure, upstream producers, and leading energy trading houses. Its entrepreneurial team of software engineers, data scientists, and industry experts continues to expand in Washington, DC, Houston, TX, and Denver, CO.



Arbo ( provides software, analytics, data, and services to the energy transportation, trading, and marketing industries for commercial decision analysis, infrastructure intelligence, and transactions. Our software platforms digitize workflows, integrate market data, and structure millions of regulatory filings to better connect buyers and sellers of physical energy and to enable the evolution of critical infrastructure to cleaner commodities. Arbo customizable and dynamic pipeline routing and forecasting algorithms allow users to increase transaction velocity, assess competitive intelligence, identify arbitrage opportunities, accurately predict project timelines, and reduce operational risks. ArboIQ services deliver custom analyses and actionable viewpoints to market leading customers.


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