Oil Pipeline Tariff Monitor

Approximately 170 oil pipelines file interstate tariffs with FERC. Keeping track of these filings can be extremely time consuming, but not tracking them can be costly. Tariff filings show what liquid pipelines are doing: increasing or decreasing rates, adding or dropping services, or changing ownership.

OPTM highlights the most important new tariff filings, protests, and Commission actions every two weeks. 

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Who reads Oil Pipeline Tariff Monitor?

Pipelines, shippers, regulators, policy advisors, law firms and consultants ... anyone who can benefit from monitoring filings and trends in oil pipeline regulation.


What we cover

Oil Pipeline Tariff Monitor is compiled by our expert tariff team, drawing on decades of experience in industry to provide:
  • Comprehensive summaries of every tariff filing within the past two weeks

  • Updated list of tariff filings going back another 30 days so you can see if any additional action has been taken

  • Summaries of protests, complaints, requests for declaratory orders, rate indexing proceedings, and much more

  • Summaries of Commission action taken

Liquids Commerce Platform

OPTM is hosted inside the Liquids Commerce Platform, a business intelligence tool for oil & products marketing, trading, business development and fundamentals teams.

Find pipeline tariff rate information from any currently effective published tariff including FERC, intrastate regulated, non-jurisdictional, Canadian NEB, Canadian provincial, and Canadian non-jurisdictional.

Enter criteria, such as origin, destination, or pipeline name, and Arbo will return all currently effective rates, including additional charges or fees (e.g., storage) and other important tariff conditions (e.g., line fill, loss allowance).

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Data integration service

Integrate Arbo's liquids datasets with our powerful REST API to expand your team's business intelligence toolbox.

Create an internal application, or incorporate Arbo’s tariffs and related base rates, rate discounts, and extra charges data into your existing workflows and dashboards.