Anticipate and interpret pipeline events, maintain flow assurance

Arbo provides leading E&P companies with pipeline and LNG project intelligence, regulatory policy analysis, rate case and commercial negotiation support, as well as renewable project timing and impact on regional gas markets.


"Arbo's data acquisition systems as applied to the arcane and fragmented domains of energy regulatory, legal, and market analysis are unparalleled in the industry."

Toby Z. Rice
President & CEO, EQT

MVP (1)-1

Predict project timing, manage regulatory risk

Manage flow assurance with consolidated pipeline and LNG project data and commercial intelligence. Our expert team helps you handicap permitting timelines, anticipate and interpret regulatory and legal events.

Spot open capacity at lower prices

Our daily EBB transaction alert (ETA) email captures transaction-level details such as contract starts and ends, holders, post dates and times, negotiated rates, capacity releases, and park and loans — along with links to original postings and API integration capabilities.



Optimize firm transport

Arbo's proprietary dataset of pipeline financials includes 100 rate case data fields. Analytics calculate returns on equity, assign proxy groups, and identify capital structures and entities.

We enable E&P marketers to assess the rate risk of contracting with a pipeline and ultimately to negotiate lower transport costs. 

Anticipate, interpret market-moving events

We integrate our data engineering, statistical analysis and data visualizations capabilities with industry, regulatory, legal and investment experience — to help customers anticipate and interpret (the other AI) emerging regulatory changes, litigation, operational and policy risks and opportunities.




Our data-driven analyses are relied upon by c-suites, commercial teams, traders, fundamental analysts, and marketers. We publish Insights weekly. The blog offers summaries emailed on a two-week delay.

July 16, 2024

CEQ’s Evolving NEPA Regulations — Part II

June 25, 2024

Puzzling PLA: Inside Colonial Pipeline's Tariff Turmoil

June 20, 2024

Navigating Pipeline Challenges: Lessons From MVP and Beyond

Speak with an Arbo expert today

Arbo's energy regulatory, legal, and market experts — alongside our software engineers and data scientists — can give you the data, technology, insights and answers you need.

  • Evaluate and benchmark infrastructure projects and assets.
  • Access and analyze fuel transportation rates and routes. 
  • Predict permitting timelines and manage regulatory risk.
  • Model costs and fundamentals of midstream entities. 
  • And much more...